Kapitel 21 Kompakt #1


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Kapitel 21 Kompakt

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Die nächste Ausgabe Kapitel 21 Kompakt erscheint  am 21. August. Redaktionsschluss ist der 15. August. 

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Rubrik 4 | Papers & Call for Papers

Call for Papers: The Hesitant Feminist’s Guide to the Future – 

An Invitation to Participate in the Symposium on Feminist Futures

Zur vollständige Ausschreibung auf der Webseite des Journal of Futures Studies. 

In anticipation of the forthcoming monograph from the Journal of Futures Studies, “The Hesitant Feminist’s Guide to the Future,” authored by Dr. Ivana Milojević, we are pleased to announce a symposium designed to expand and explore the themes discussed in her work. This monograph synthesizes three decades of Dr. Milojević’s scholarship in futures studies and gender studies, with a particular focus on feminist futures.

Symposium Topics

Participants are encouraged to engage with various aspects of feminist futures, including but not limited to:

  1. Personal and collective interpretations of feminist futures in different contexts.
  2. Visions of feminist futures relevant to specific local contexts.
  3. Applications of feminist futures to areas such as the environment, warfare, economy, politics, culture, education, demography, reproductive rights, intersectionality, and identities beyond the binary.
  4. The integration of feminist theory into futures studies to promote gender equity.
  5. Novel solutions that could emerge from this integration.
  6. Future directions and potential developments in feminist futures.
  7. Other insights that arise from engaging with the concept of feminist futures.

Contributions and Publications

Symposium respondents are invited to submit articles ranging from 1,000 to 2,500 words. These contributions will be peer-reviewed, and those accepted will be published in the Journal of Futures Studies. Additionally, a session in the JFS Community of Practice is planned (date TBD), and, pending sufficient submissions, a book edited by Nur Anisah Abdullah and Lavonne Leong will be published.

Submission Details
Submissions are open from June 1, 2024, until September 1, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your thoughts and perspectives on shaping a more equitable future. Please join us in this critical exploration at the nexus of feminism and futures studies.

Ivana, Anisah and Lavonne

Contact email: tkufutures@gmail.com (Journal of Futures Studies)

Image by Ivana Milojević via Canva

Rubrik 5 | Aufruf und Fragen vom Vorstand

Ihr kennt Mitglieder, deren Daten sich seit dem Studium geändert haben und die von uns deshalb nicht erreicht werden können? 
Wir aktualisieren gerade die Mitgliederdatenbank und freuen uns, wenn ihr das Formular zur Aktualisierung eurer Daten breit teilt!